I have a habit I trying everything new out there but not sticking with anything. Currently I have been experimenting with different types of dyes and paints. Mainly I have been dyeing silk fabrics, silk and rayon ribbons and painting lace. I have been making these into groupings large enough for one or two doll ensembles. Each group consists of a fairly large piece of 10m

m habotai silk, a piece of silk velvet and 3 other pieces of silk (all hand dyed in the same color or colors that will work together. Additionally each package has some hand dyed or painted ribbon and some hand painted Venice lace trim. The smaller boxes also inclued a piece of hand dyed and hand pleated shibori. The larger packages have fewer types of silk and no shibori, but are in larger cuts of fabric for larger dolls such as French fashion dolls. Samples of the boxes and contents are shown here.
Michele Thorpe made this costume for
Bleuette using one of the packages.
This is a sample of what is in the package.

The hats are made from Russian fur felt from a company that has been out of business for many years. All the hats are hand molded. Some use traditional molds others use various found items to give different shapes.
I also make dye and trim straw hats.

The trims vary - Some are vintage trims, some silk ribbons, the flowers are usually handmade or vintage.
These are some of the hand painted lace pieces.